Saturday, April 3, 2010

I really hate when I have anxiety attacks. I feel like I can't catch my breath and it usually is a sign that something is wrong. It can be anything. My boss dropped a bombshell on Wed that she was taking another position in the company...that made me sick to my stomach. I thought it was that, but aparently it's not. I was fine for a few days and now I'm having them again. I don't think it helps that we visited the tax auditor and have to do more work than we already did. That appointment really took my pouch for a loop.

This morning I wake up and all i want to do is go back to bed and sleep. Sleep away my day and hope that tomorrow will be better. I hate when I get into these depressed moods. Feels like the strength is sucked out of me an I have none left. Oddly enough this always happens when my kids aren't around. Maybe there's some corilation. My head is spinning with too many things and I just want it to stop. What is the old saying...the 2 sure things in life are death & taxes???

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