Monday, March 22, 2010

Love my KP family

I spent the afternoon with Allison on Sunday and had a great time getting to know my bday twin & KP sister. We share the same birthday and it's funny how we think so much alike. We compared our stoma's and the many scars we've gained over the years. I think I have 2 more than she! We had such different stoma's...hers was more of a flat cherry stoma and I have this tiny hole that's just big enough to fit my catheter. Almost looks like someone just slit me open...kinda like a big eye (minus the eyeball of course). I feel like I'm the black sheep of the KP group with an innie. I hope it's not going to be an issue over the years. I had stricture issues with my Jpouch...certainly don't want that with my Kpouch.

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